Lin's international headquater office in Europe
We bring to you the latest Lin's European Headquarters and the services!
- Headquater situated in Medical University of Lublin is now open!
- The 5th floor headquartor office is equipped with printer room, 5 conference seminar rooms, providing pre-medical courses.
- The 4th floor is where our Jimmy's is, catering not only Chinese, but also Japanese, Korean and Thai cusine; Kareoke rooms are in development.
- The 3rd floor sits the Dean's Office of MUL, handling issues regarding the univerity itself as well as stduents.
- The 2nd floor has MUL's latest equipments for medical simulation sessions, including Clinical center, PBC and OSCE classroom.
- The 1st floor acupuncture and message center bringing oriental therapies to your doorstep, while also giving tutorials on Chinese medicine.
- The ground floor contains convinience store, providing Chinese and Western styled fastfood all day, as well as Taiwanese drink, lunchbox eatin or takeaways. Buildings in close proximity to dormitory buildings, providing comfortable personal rooms for freshers.