School of Medicine in Katowice
School of Medicine in Katowice employs 716 staff members, including 500 academic teachers (36 Professors, 34 PhDs with habilitation, i.e. post-doctorate degree holders, 312 PhDs, 95 physicians, and 23 faculty members with a master's degree). The School operates through its 11 Departments of Basic Sciences and 37 Departments of Clinical Sciences, which include 41 clinics and 19 institutes. To the School also belong the Foreign Languages Department and the Physical Education Department.
General information
The Medical University of Silesia consists of five schools: School of Medicine in Katowice (the one that offers education in English language), School of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry in Zabrze, School of Health Care, School of Public Health, and School of Pharmacy with Division of Medical Analytics in Sosnowiec. The university is governed by the Rector who together with his Deputies and Administration Director constitutes the Rector`s Council.
The Senate is the body managing the whole university. Each school is governed by the Dean, who together with his Deputies and the Head of the Dean`s Office constitutes the Dean`s Council. The Program in English language is coordinated by the Vice-Dean for the English Language Program. Chairs and departments are basic units of each school. Each department is managed by the Chairman of the Department. Clinical education programs are carried out in the university hospitals and affiliated institutions. An important part of the university is constituted by the Library with the computer center. There is also a well organized social and sport infrastructure.
The Medical University of Silesia is the largest medical school in Poland. It has been established on the 20th of March 1948. At first it was given the name Medical Academy and was placed in Rokitnica Bytomska. The name Medical University of Silesia was given in 1949. The lectures for the 135 newly admitted students of medicine and 96 students of dentistry had begun in October 1948. The first Celebration of the academic year took place on the 20th of November 1948. The first Rector of the school was Professor Nowakowski, a famous specialist in hygiene. Gradually, the school was extending and the number of students grew up. In 1950, for example, there were already 1121 students, while in 1955 - 2610. The Rector`s position was held by Professor Stefan Slopek, Professor Marian Garlicki, Professor Witold Zahorski and Professor Witold Niepołomski, in turn. Between 1953-1954 the first graduates obtained diplomas as physicians and dentists.
Katowice is the main city of Upper Silesia - a historical part of Poland. The first factories, such as ironworks, started to operate in the 14th century already. In the 19th century the whole area existed as a vast country: Katowice and the Karbowo, Brynów and Bogucice estates. At that time numerous coal-mines and steelworks were established, for example, in 1804 one of the biggest steelworks, still active the Baildon steelwork was opened by the prince Hohenlohe together with the Irish engineer John Baildon. It was the first steelwork in the world where the domestic coke was burnt. The civic rights for Katowice were obtained on the 11th of November 1865. But the plans of extension and development of the area were already prepared much earlier. The advantage was the geographical situation of the city - by the Prussian and Russian border. An intensive enlargement and development of the city had started immediately after obtaining the civic rights. In the years 1869 - 1872 almost 200 new residential buildings were constructed. Simultaneously, the population rate increased: in 1783 there were 294 people living in Katowice, in 1825 the figure grew up to 675, while in 1861 it reached 3780. The headquarters of coal-mines, steelworks, coal partnerships and several other institutions begin to operate here. After the First World War, Katowice City was incorporated by Germany which caused a period of struggle for independence called by historians the Silesian Insurrections. As a consequence of the Plebiscyte, Katowice were adjudicated to Poland.
In independent Poland Katowice existed as a capital of the province with great autonomy. Important institutions were established here, such as: Silesian Parlament, Bishop’s Curia of the Silesian Diocese, various consulates, banks, etc. As a cultural center, there were also constructed: Silesian Musical Conservatorium, Silesian Technical College and others. Also the first in Poland skyscraper was built here. Between 1922 and 1939 the city developed rapidly. The population rate reached 125,000 inhabitants, 90 % of which was of Polish origin.
An incorporation of the land in the neighbourhood (communes such as Piotrowice, Panewniki, Wełnowiec, Ochojec and Zadole) had a direct influence on the process of enlargement of Katowice. In 1960 also the city of Szopienice together with the neighbourhood lands joined in. Inevitably, several new housing estates were constructed, which was Koszutka and Nowa Ligota. Also a new Park was opened.
There are several higher education schools operating in Katowice: School of Economy (1950), Silesian University (1968), Division of the Academy of Art in Cracow, Silesian Scientific Institute (1957), Academy of Physical Education (1970), Higher Theological Seminary of Silesia (1980).
The special attention deserve cultural institutions, such as: reconstructed Silesian Museum, the Stanisław Wyspiański Theatre, Silesian Philharmony, Polish Radio Orchestra and also the TV station and several radio stations. There are many publishing houses of periodicals, journals, magazines and daily newspapers.
There is also a huge sport center available, Hala Widowiskowo-Sportowa called ”Spodek”. At the moment Katowice takes 165 sq. km of land. The population rate equals almost 500,000 inhabitants.
Currently, the total number of students of the Medical University of Silesia is 6,402, including:
School of Medicine in Katowice – 1,617 students (including 404 students enrolled in the English language program)
School of Health Care in Katowice - 1,394 students
School of Medicine with the Division of Dentistry in Zabrze – 1,238 students
School of Pharmacy with the Division of Laboratory Medicine in Sosnowiec – 1,579 students
School of Public Health in Bytom - 574 students
The total number of students of either evening or extramural studies in the fields of medicine, dental medicine (dentistry), pharmacy, obstetrics & gynecology, or public health, is 1,120.
The 4-year M.D. Program, click here to open PDF file.
The 6-year M.D. Program, click here to open PDF file.
Admission Requirements
4-year MD program
Candidates who graduated from or attended pre-medical or paramedical college can apply for transfer to third year of the 6-year program (4-year medical program in English). They are expected to hand in the following documents:
1) original or notarized copy of high school diploma,
2) original copy of premedical or paramedical college transcript,
3) original or notarized copy of premedical or paramedical college diploma (applies to candidates who graduated from college),
4) official document stating the legal status of college (state/private university, granted accreditation, body accrediting higher education),
5) application form,
6) xerox copy of an identification document certified for compliance with the original document,
7) 3 photos,
8) xerox copy of birth certificate,
9) heath certificate confirming no objections to take up medical studies,
10) certificate documenting English language fluency level as specified in Resolution No51/2010, Appendix No 2 (applies only to candidates from countries with a native language other than English who at the same time did not complete education at previous school in English language)
All above documents must be issued in English language. If the original document is issued in another language, a sworn translation into English is required.
6-year MD program
Candidates who graduated from high school can apply for admission to the 6-year program. They are expected to hand in the following documents:
1) original or notarized copy of high school diploma,
2) original copy of high school transcript,
3) application form,
4) xerox copy of an identification document certified for compliance with the original document,
5) 3 photos,
6) xerox copy of birth certificate,
7) heath certificate confirming no objections to take up medical studies,
8) certificate documenting English language fluency level as specified in Resolution No 51/2010, Appendix No 2 (applies only to candidates from countries with a native language other than English who at the same time did not complete education at previous school in English language)
All above documents must be issued in English language. If the original document is issued in another language, a sworn translation into English is required.
Tuition & fees
We offer accommodation for students at the dormitory located on the campus, within a walking distance from the basic science buildings in Katowice-Ligota.
There are four dormitory buildings.
Two of them are located at 26 Medykow Street (7-floor building), and at 24 Medykow Street (8-floor building) which offer the following kinds of accomodation:
- single room (size 21 sq. m.) priced at 880 PLN* per month
- double room (size 21 sq. m.) priced at 500 PLN* per month per person
- single room (size 27 sq. m.) priced at 960 PLN* per month
- double room (size 27 sq. m.) priced at 550 PLN* per month per person
Another two buildings are located at 12 Medyków Street and the accommodation offer is as follows:
- one person in double room – 340 PLN* per month
- one person in triple room – 320 PLN* per month
Internet is accessible in all rooms.